I Wouldn't if I Were YOu
Author Diana Rajchel 2024. Photo by Michael Siemon (unless it was Synty. Pretty sure it was Michael.)

Who Am I?

Hi! I’m Diana Rajchel. I am the author of Hex Twisting: Counter Magick Spells for the Irritated Witch and Urban Magick: a Guide for the City Witch.

My witchcraft background is free-range. I believe that religion and tradition can and should change throughout one's life. I began with eclectic Wicca. Now? I practice animistic witchcraft, and I am a spirit worker, diviner, and city priest. I am also a yoga practitioner with a 200-hour teaching certification in Hatha Raja yoga.

My politics? My views haven’t changed much since the 1990s, and I am offering them here because some people are shocked when they’re surprised a stranger doesn’t reflect their worldviews. I am a Gen X progressive. That generally means I’m anti-racist, anti-bullying, a first-wave feminist (nothing about feminism should be radical in a healthy society), pro-LGBTQ+ existence (and I happen to be LGBTQ+), and I embrace the tolerance paradox. I support de-centering from one-sided narratives of history and life experience.

My political views are not the same as my ethical views, but my ethics do inform my politics.

My ethics: Consent is Sacred. I tolerate everything EXCEPT the intolerance of others' existence. I believe that room must be allowed for the realities of cultural interchange and that discernment matters far more than strict philosophies. I believe in giving grace to those who adapt their beliefs and practices to scientific, archaeological, and historical discoveries. I am no atheist, but I support the atheist’s right to disbelieve. Respect isn’t about deference, but it is about honoring one another’s boundaries, and I do not stay in any relationship with disrespect.

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  • Regular calendar updates and reminders about the online classes I teach.

  • Links to the other places I write, such as at Medium and Golden Apple Metaphysical Blog, all in one spot.

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Disclosure: I sometimes offer exclusive material; it won’t be consistent until I cross the 1000 subscriber line.

In the meantime, enjoy the series I am posting: Substack of the Dead. Learn my methods for interacting with the dead respectfully and collaboratively.

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Where Urbanism and Animism Intersect Animism, Urbanism, Witchcraft, and the Paranormal from the perspective of Author, Witch, Spirit Worker and City Priest Diana Rajchel


Diana Rajchel is the Author of Books Hex Twisting and Urban Magick. She is a full-time writer and tarot reader, a Spirit Worker and a City Priest. She has amassed a lifetime of paranormal stories, crafted spells, and community magick to share.