Who Am I?
Hi! I’m Diana Rajchel. I am the author of Hex Twisting: Counter Magick Spells for the Irritated Witch and Urban Magick: a Guide for the City Witch.
My witchcraft background is free-range. I believe that religion and tradition can and should change throughout one's life. I began with eclectic Wicca. Now? I practice animistic witchcraft, and I am a spirit worker, diviner, and city priest. I am also a yoga practitioner with a 200-hour teaching certification in Hatha Raja yoga.
My politics? My views haven’t changed much since the 1990s, and I am offering them here because some people are shocked when they’re surprised a stranger doesn’t reflect their worldviews. I am a Gen X progressive. That generally means I’m anti-racist, anti-bullying, a first-wave feminist (nothing about feminism should be radical in a healthy society), pro-LGBTQ+ existence (and I happen to be LGBTQ+), and I embrace the tolerance paradox. I support de-centering from one-sided narratives of history and life experience.
My political views are not the same as my ethical views, but my ethics do inform my politics.
My ethics: Consent is Sacred. I tolerate everything EXCEPT the intolerance of others' existence. I believe that room must be allowed for the realities of cultural interchange and that discernment matters far more than strict philosophies. I believe in giving grace to those who adapt their beliefs and practices to scientific, archaeological, and historical discoveries. I am no atheist, but I support the atheist’s right to disbelieve. Respect isn’t about deference, but it is about honoring one another’s boundaries, and I do not stay in any relationship with disrespect.
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Disclosure: I sometimes offer exclusive material; it won’t be consistent until I cross the 1000 subscriber line.
In the meantime, enjoy the series I am posting: Substack of the Dead. Learn my methods for interacting with the dead respectfully and collaboratively.